Scribe Template for Paper Presentation

Title: PPT: A Pragmatic Transport for Datacenters

Authors: Lide Suo, Yiren Pang (Tianjin University); Wenxin Li (Tianjin University & Huaxiahaorui Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.); Renjie Pei, Keqiu Li, Xiulong Liu, Xin He, Yitao Hu (Tianjin University); Guyue Liu (Peking University)

one paragraph about what the problem is studied, why it is important and interesting and why existing systems/tools fall short of solving it.

Key idea and contribution:
one or two paragraphs about the system that the authors built or what they spent their effort to work on

one paragraph about the evaluation and results. Include at least one sentence explaining “why the reader should care” about the paper. “This result is significant because… [fill in the blank].”

Q: [summarize question]

A: [summarize answer]"

Personal thoughts
one or two paragraphs about your takeaways of this paper, e.g., what do you like and not like about it, what open questions you think may worth exploring along this line of work, and etc.