Welcome to the SIGCOMM Paper Reading Group!
The goal of our group is to provide students across the world an education platform to read papers published at top-tier network and system conferences (e.g., SIGCOMM, NSDI, SOSP, and OSDI) together, exchange opinions and engage in discussion with the authors.
Specifically, we hold biweekly meetings on Zoom. Each meeting consists of a 40-minute presentation of a pre-selected paper by a student volunteer and a 20-minute discussion with the author(s) of the paper led by the presenting volunteer.
By holding such meetings in a systematic and consistent way, we hope to (1) better engage students and researchers from different regions, in particular those from the under-represented areas, in the education and research activities in our community and (2) better promote the latest progress and results in our community toward a broader audience.
If you have any suggestions or questions about this group or want to engage in our meetings, please drop us an email at xiangq27@gmail.com.
Qiao Xiang
Professor, Xiamen University,
SIGCOMM Education Director